D.K.'s picture

Daniel Kessler

Born May 29, 1975 .

Numerical Analysis and Simulation group
Department of Mathematics
Federal Polytechnical School
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Office : DMA 643
Voice  : +41 21 693 42 26
Fax    : +41 21 693 43 03
E-mail : daniel.kessler@epfl.ch

version française

Research activities

I graduated in 1997 here at E.P.F.L., with a diploma in theoretical physics done under the supervision of prof. Hervé Kunz . I joined prof. Jacques Rappaz 's numerical analysis research group in 1998. My current topics of interest are the phase-field modelisation of dendritic growth during solidification of binary alloys, as well as the numerical analysis and simulation of the resulting models. After doing a formal asymptotic analysis for such a model, I have established a priori error estimates for a numerical scheme with Jean-Francois Scheid, and am now implementing a C++ code for simulations. This project work should eventually lead me to a PhD thesis in mathematics.


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Teaching activities

I am in charge of the exercices for the Numerical Analysis course for mathematicians. In the past, I have also contributed to the exercices for the Numerical Analysis course for engineers.

Other activities on the Campus

I have been a member of EPFL's drama troupe: Les Polyssons, from 1995 to 2001.

Last change: September 24, 2001.

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